Meet the Orchestra...

Get to know the RPO family!

 Elen thumbnail

Elen Hâf Rideal, Co-Principal Second Violin


Josh Cirtina thumbnail

Josh Cirtina, Principal Bass Trombone




Miriam thumbnail

Miriam Franklin, Marketing & Box Office Assistant


Diomedes thumbnail

 Diomedes Demetriades, Principal Piccolo


Naomi thumbnail

Naomi Watts, Cello


Matthew thumbnail

Matthew Williams, Principal Trumpet 


Ugne thumbnail

Ugne Tiškutė, Viola 


Saba thumbnail

Dennis Chan, Digital Marketing Manager



Nathan thumbnail

Nathan Budden, Transport and Stage Manager



Saba thumbnail

Saba Tehrani, Development Coordinator



Benn Cunningham thumbnail

Benjamin Cunningham, Co-Principal Double Bass




In this series of videos we explore the musical roots of RPO members, as well as finding out more about life in the orchestra. You can also see more player profiles on our YouTube channel playlist.

Player Profile 1: Erik Chapman, First Violin

Player Profile 2: Emer McDonough, Principal Flute

Sonia Sielaff, Clarinet


Jonathan Ayling, Co-Principal Cello

Suzy Willison-Kawalec, Harp

Steve Quigley, Percussion

You can also see more player profiles on our YouTube channel playlist.

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