The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra (RPO) is proud of its many strong connections with a wide range of support from individuals, corporates, and trust and foundations. These important partnerships make it possible for the Orchestra to continue achieving its groundbreaking artistic and outreach ambition; to bring world-class music to the widest possible audience.
The RPO gives grateful thanks to the following organisations and individuals.
Music Director's Club
ACS International Schools
Aline Foriel-Destezet (RPO President)
Christopher French and Ghizlan El Glaoui
Riverstone Living
The 1916 Foundation in Montchanin, Delaware
The Tong Family
Signature Corporate Partners
Elephant Communications
Northern Trust
The Red Carnation Hotel Collection
Creative Benefactors
Louise and Philip Keller
Richard and Minako Mountford
Mathieu and Nathalie Gaveau The Kashinskiy Family Oleg Kolobov and Elena Kolobova Nikita and Kseniya Mishin The Tsukanov Family Foundation Christopher Wilkins
RPO Patrons
Peter Cadbury Roderick Davies Stefan and Alison Dunatov Sir Ewan and Lady Harper Andrew Hunter Jan Knight Gee Lee Charles McGregor Hyun Myung Min Daveena Ogene Shehara de Soysa Jayne Sutcliffe Anne Vadgama Ann Warner
RPO Chair Patrons and Corporate Chair Partners
Nicholas and Caroline Bewes Nina and Wolter Brenninkmeijer Tim Cagney and David Wilson Calderwood Wealth Management Ltd D'Arblay Wealth The Ericsson Family The Gabrán Family Sophie Gasperment Goodwin PLC Grant and Brigitte Gordon Nabil and Mai Habba
Peter and Sarah Harris Jeff and Petra Hochman Gillian May King Elio and Maria Leoni-Sceti Lionside Ltd Henry and Sheena Lumley Peter and Jane Lumley Mann Partnership Martin and Liane McCourt MDR Mayfair Saker Nusseibeh and Family Richard and Geraldine Prosser John and Lucinda Sunnucks
Kevin Walker and Jay Foley Adam and Jane Warby Jonathan Warwick John and Mary Watt Lou Whitehorn Jo Whiterod Tim and Victoria Whiting James Williams and Edward Lidster Sir Robert and Lady Wilson Dr Simon Worrell and Christopher Dickins
RPO Young Professionals
Eleanor Bennewith Olivia Buckley Will Burgess Mimi Corden-Lloyd Ed Evans Lucy Evans Katherine Harnett James Holland Olav Kaada Ronak Khakban Marcel Klebba Charlotte Knowlson Laura Leman Martina Lombardo Orla Mair Jan Nato Zara O’Reilly Laura Parkinson Samantha Pickett Tania Saleh Yang Song Luke Stuart Aleksei Sukharev Saba Tehrani Vanessa Theos Pierre Wang Polly Watt Peter Webb Lauren Wheatley
RPO 1946 Club
Philip Back Ian Campbell Huw and Kate Davies Roderick Davies Sir Peter Ellwood CBE DL Charles and Monica Eve Anne Fergusson Karen Fletcher Robin and Heather Hammerton Sir Ewan Harper CBE John Hawley
Andrew Hunter Gillian May King Jan Knight Beverley LeBlanc Sir Tom McKillop Paul and Carole Nicholson Jackie Sibley Anne Vadgama Nick and Pat Whitley James Williams
and anonymous members.
RPO Supporters
Andor Charitable Trust Arts Council England Berkshire Maestros Brent Music Service Cadogan Estates Charles and Nicola Fairweather Elephant Communications Enterprise Arts Trust Ethos Foundation J Paul Getty Jr General Charitable Trust Goldman Sachs Gives Hoben International Hull Music Hub Kurt Weill Foundation for Music Inc.
Ludlow Distillery Mann Partnership Mill Hill County High School Fund Northern Trust PENSA Events Place 21 The Bliss Trust The Harkness Rose Company The William Wates Memorial Fund University of Hull Wandsworth Council Wandsworth Music
and anonymous donors.
RPO Club members
David & Frances Ackland Mary Allan John Allen Ray Allen Ken Allfree John Amos Jane Archer Philip Martyn Back John Baker Mark Baker Terry & Edna Baker Patricia Bastin Dr John Belling Graham & Christine Benson Laura Bodo Lajber Patrick Briggs Douglas Cakebread Andrew Cameron-Mowat Dr Jeremy Campbell Liz Carlin Jason Cheah Seiyon Chon Richard Clark Robert Clifford Richard Coleman John Collis Martin Compton Stephen Connock Roger Creswell Margarita Crouch Oliver Cuffley-Hur Clive Dale Philip Danby Roy Davidson Roderick Davies Dennis Davis Jonathan Davis Jeff & Elaine Delaney Suzy Diamond Joseph B Drew Chris Dundas Sir Peter & Lady Judy Ellwood CBE Ariel Elmann Robert Elston Sabina Fatkullina Janet & Eric Fenna Peter Filmer Brian Firth Anthony & Sarah Flanaghan Dr Gwynneth Flower
Diego Gerardo Foyo Mejia Friedrich Frickenhaus Dr Derek & Heather Gallagher Dr Fidel Gallo Anni Georgitsea Graeme Gilchrist Dr Kevin Giles John Gleadall Corinne Godart Anne Gordon Robert Green Barry Green MBE David Gutman Alex Haddow Andrew Hallett Malcolm & Jill Hamer Elizabeth Hamilton Robin Hammerton Dr Clive Harmer Philip Hayton Mark Hazell John Hellinikakis Arina Helstern-Stefan Dr Joe & Mrs Helene Herzberg George Hilton Gary Hodes Robert Holden Andrew Hunter Haydn Jones Min Jung Key Kyungjin Kim May Kim Ken & Pam King Jan Knight Dr Anthony Kravitz OBE Wojciech Kropiewnicki Sandie Lee Porter Iain Macarthur Rev Cecil Macaulay Jung Mijung John Miles Richard Mountford Jo Needle Dr Paul Newton Kian Hin Ng Ted Nist Dr Maria O Connor Alan Pamment David & Catherine Paul Gilbert Phan John Pryke BEM Nicole Randal Stephen Reynolds Peter Rounce Nicholas Rundle
Hugo Ruys Leslie Ryan John Sayers Sabrina Schuller Susie Scott-Wakeling Helen Shelton Joseph Short Jacqueline Sibley John Sibley Vilhelm Sigmundsson Bernard Sisk Sue Smith Brian Smullen Valerie Solomon Yangsook Song Penny Stanley M Stevens David & Elaine Storey Trevor Swainson Vivienne Tincombe John Tranter Peter True Charles Tugwell John & Anne Vadgama Richard Vallance Peter van der Tang Michiel Verhoeven Anthea Vernell Kay Vickers Peter Vines Kevin Walker John Wallace Dianne Walls Ann Warner Robert Warren Roger Wells David Whalley Charles White Richard Whitehead Sally Whitfield Terry & Lesley Wildey Barry Wilkinson Peter Woods Esuk Yeom Soojung Yoon
The RPO would also like to thank its members who would prefer their support to remain anonymous.

Made possible by the Cultural Recovery Fund.