Royal Philharmonic Orchestra Complaint Procedure
Whether you have attended a concert or a community workshop, viewed our digital content or have joined one of our philanthropic groups, firstly, the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra would like to take this opportunity to thank you.
We endeavour to offer the highest level of music and service to our supporters and the public, but we understand that on rare occasions expectations may not been met, and if this the case, then we would certainly like to hear from you.
We take complaints seriously within our organisation and we treat any matters accordingly and as a way to develop our business and understanding of our audiences.
How do I make a complaint?
Our procedure is straight forward.
Please find below three methods on how you can contact us at the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra (RPO).
- You may call our general telephone number 020 7608 8800 (between 9.30am and 5.30pm Monday – Friday).
- Or you may email . - Alternatively, you can write to us at:
Royal Philharmonic Orchestra
16 Clerkenwell Green
Please include your name, address and contact telephone number in your email or letter so that we can get back in touch with you easily.
How long will it take?
We will endeavour to acknowledge your complaint within 5 working days and to respond fully within 10 working days.
Only in exceptional circumstances do we envisage a response taking any longer than the time period stated above. A reason may be that a third party or external promoter needs to be involved which will, therefore, rely on a response that may not be in our control.
What will we do next?
When required, the Friends and Groups Manager will forward your complaint to a specific department. Please feel free within your message to suggest a way that your complaint may be resolved, and where possible we will certainly try and accommodate your suggestion.
To ensure your complaint does not escalate, we will always treat you with courtesy and respect, listen to what you say and keep you informed about our progress as promptly as possible.
On rare occasions, we may choose not to respond to a complaint at all.
Some of the reasons are listed below.
- When a complaint is something not directly related to the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra.
- When someone unreasonably pursues a complaint that we have already responded to.
- If a complaint is abusive, prejudiced or offensive in its manner.
- If a complaint is harassing a member of the RPOs administration team or musician.
- When a complaint has been made anonymously and no sender details have been supplied.
Who else can help?
If you are not satisfied that your complaint is being managed in accordance with this policy or with the outcome of the complaint, then please raise this with:
Huw Davies
Deputy Managing Director
Royal Philharmonic Orchestra
16 Clerkenwell Green
Please attach any supporting information and correspondence.
You may also wish to contact the UK Fundraising Regulator, if you feel our response is unsatisfactory and your complaint relates to fundraising.
You can do this using the Fundraising Regulator’s online form, or by telephone on 0300 999 3407