Events Calendar

RPO Nottingham 27 October 2023 555x405.jpg

Tchaikovsky's Piano Concerto

Friday 27 October 2023, 7.30pm
Nottingham Royal Concert Hall

Liadov Baba Yaga
Tchaikovsky Piano Concerto No.1
Rachmaninov Symphony No.2

Vasily Petrenko Conductor
Pavel Kolesnikov Piano

Royal Philharmonic Orchestra

Tchaikovsky laboured long and hard on his Piano Concerto No.1, revising it three times. The result was a work that has stood the test of time, shooting its arrow direct to the heart. All sentiments are there: fury, serenity, joy, and – of course – passion, presented tonight by soloist Pavel Kolesnikov.

Rachmaninov’s Symphony No.2 delves into the throes of self-doubt and anguish before emerging into its exquisitely melodious Adagio, and finally bursting into leaps of creative triumph in the grand finale.