STROKESTRA® is a pioneering stroke rehabilitation programme that harnesses the power of group creative music-making alongside professional musicians and clinicians to drive patient-led recovery in stroke patients and their carers.

The programme was developed by the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra (RPO) in partnership with Hull & East Riding Community Stroke Services, part of City Health Care Partnership, and utilises a range of specially adapted musical techniques to address the complex needs of stroke survivors and their carers. From physical rehabilitation work involving functional movement, grasp and mobility to social integration supporting confidence-building, communication and renewed sense of self, the programme supports patients and their carers to work towards rehabilitation holistically, setting and meeting goals that matter to them.

In 2023 STROKESTRA® celebrated eight years of supporting stroke survivors through group creative music-making. Read our new overview outlining the programme, how it works and what it achieves:

Celebrating 8 years of STROKESTRA®

"It was incredibly moving to see the stroke patients and RPO members work together; it brought me to tears. This project pioneers the use of music to benefit health and wellbeing and today I’ve been fortunate to see first-hand how patients can benefit from this type of innovative rehabilitation." - Sam Barlow, Hull Clinical Commissioning Group


Previous activity

STROKESTRA was devised and delivered with clinicians in Hull, northeast England, in response to the high prevalence rate of stroke in the local population. This activity continued over an eight-year period, including during the Covid-19 pandemic. The activity ran in this way:

  • Patients are referred by clinicians, who work together to identify individual stroke recovery goals to work toward through the project
  • Family caregivers are also invited to attend as equal participants, taking part in the creative process and experiencing a positive, non-care-related opportunity with their relative
  • Participant groups commit to a ‘term’ of activity, lasting four to five months
  • Monthly projects run by RPO teams feature three musicians and a creative leader facilitating two days of workshops. Clinicians participate alongside patience and give advice and support to help maximise the therapeutic benefits of each activity. Clinicians are also encouraged to suggest adaptations or new activities to the whole group
  • Terms are progressive, with music and rehabilitation mastery taking shape across successive visits
  • Each term culminates in a celebratory performance featuring the music developed during the term, providing a communal goal

Current activity

Continued support of activity in Hull

Since January 2024, clinicians in Hull have been developing their own offer for STROKESTRA participants after activity came to an end in December 2023. This has taken the form of a new music-making group named ‘The Sensational Stroke Ensemble’.

The RPO is committed to nurturing and supporting this group and the local workforce musicians who are now facilitating the sessions through regular training, check-ins and continued access to free concert tickets to concerts at Hull City Hall.

Development of activity with University College London Hospital

Furthering some pilot activity with UCLH in 2023, there are plans for the RPO and the hospital to collaborate in 2025, developing a two-strand programme of activity working with both in-patients and recent out-patients. The purpose of this is to create an onward trajectory for people post-stroke both establishing a community and supporting ongoing. A research component will further enhance this initiative as we aim to gain valuable insights on the effectiveness of group music-making, inform best practice and maximise the impact of STROKESTRA®.

STROKESTRA® in Orlando

Previous activity

In September 2022, the RPO team partnered with Dr Phillips Center for the Performing Arts in Orlando, Florida, to share a pilot of the STROKESTRA programme alongside clinicians and patients from AdventHealth. Since then, the two organisations have been working together to develop a sustainable model of STROKESTRA for Florida, working with local clinicians and musicians.

Current activity

Building on the initial success of the partnership, the RPO and Dr. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts have been actively developing the STROKESTRA® program in Florida through:

  • Mentoring Local Musicians: Providing guidance and support to local professional musicians.
  • Expert Facilitation: Engaging skilled facilitator Nolan Williams Jr. through mentorship with the RPO team and Dr. Tim Steiner, STROKESTRA® UK’s lead facilitator.
  • Programme Development: Collaborating closely with Dr. Phillips Center to refine and shape the programme’s development and goals.

The first full cohort of STROKESTRA® participants culminated in a performance on stage at Judson's Live, Dr. Phillips Center's state-of-the-art venue, where the RPO were present to offer support, feedback and continued guidance. This partnership will continue into 2026, when the full RPO is back in residency at the Dr Phillips Center, and beyond as Florida continue to develop and cement their STROKESTRA® offer.


Research is integral to the development of the STROKESTRA® programme. Beginning with an intensive research and development phase, the programme was piloted in a five-month programme in summer 2015 with support from Hull Public Health. Results of the service evaluation found significant improvements for patients, carers and staff:

  • 86% reported relief of disability symptoms citing improved sleeping, reduced anxiety, fewer dizzy spells and reduced epilepsy symptoms
  • 91% reported social benefits such as improved relationships and communication skills
  • 86% found cognitive benefits, including increased concentration, attention and memory
  • 86% improved emotionally, citing increased confidence, morale and sense of self
  • 71% improved physically, including walking, standing, upper arm strength and stamina
  • 100% of carers reported an improvement in wellbeing, respite from their role as carer and improved relationships with their patient as a result of participating alongside them

“When you have a stroke you think your life is completely over, because you can’t do what you did before. But coming here you found out that you can still do things; we’ve all got problems, but everybody’s got a big smile on their face these days, which they didn’t have before.’’ - Janet, stroke survivor and STROKESTRA® participant

"When you’re training it’s about quality of life – the medics do the sustaining life and we do the quality of life stuff – and then you get out into the real world and it’s about resources and project management and making sure everyone’s safe. But I was sat there today just thinking, ‘this is what we trained for’. This is quality of life in a way that we couldn’t have done it. And for me it’s been therapeutic as a health professional to be doing what I actually set out to do in the beginning." - Maisie, Occupational Therapist

Get involved in STROKESTRA® 

The STROKESTRA® team regularly shares learning and best practice with arts and health colleagues around the UK and abroad. If you would be interested in receiving training or consultation in our work, please email Resound@rpo.co.uk and a colleague will be in touch to discuss your request.

STROKESTRA® Awards and Commendations

  • Winner: Working in Partnership with other Agencies, Humber NHS Staff Awards (December 2015)
  • Selected: Presenter at the AESOP National Arts in Health Conference (February 2016)
  • Shortlisted: Team of the Year, Nursing Times Awards (June 2016; final decision announced October 2016)
  • Runner up: Leadership for Improvement Award, Yorkshire and North Lincolnshire Health Expo (July 2016)
  • Shortlisted: Innovation and Progress Award, Humber NHS Staff Awards (December 2015)
  • Commendation: Rank Foundation Documentary Gong, Hull Film Awards (December 2015)

STROKESTRA® is a registered trademark of the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra Limited.

NHS staff working and performing alongside RPO musicians and STROKESTRA participants

A public end of term performance for STROKESTRA participants and their carers

A public end of term performance for STROKESTRA participants and their carers

STROKESTRA workshops spreading joy through music

STROKESTRA workshops spreading joy through music

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