New research by the RPO has revealed that, for millions of people, music has played an important role in helping them to cope with weeks of home isolation. It has kept spirits up, supported mental health and wellbeing. Many people have discovered new genres of music during lockdown and many young people have devoted in time to learn a musical instrument. Whilst music venues closed their doors as part of the national effort to save lives, soaring streaming figures and the explosion of online performances during lockdown all underline the demand for music at a time of crisis. Music has enriched lives at a critical time; it has helped people to get through the darkest of days - and at the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, we believe it has a crucial role to play to help us to rebuild our country and our lives.

As the country now begins to come out of lockdown, the RPO’s Music Director Designate Vasily Petrenko and chief conductors from across the UK orchestral sector have initiated an open letter to Government, setting out the vital role that culture and the arts plays in our society and asking Government for support in helping to rebuild consumer confidence in the months ahead. Here we share Vasily’s open letter.

Read the letter here.

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