An image of a RPO Resound session with a male violinist and male trombonist with 2 members in the session all sitting down

The theme of this year’s Mental Health Awareness Week (9-15 May) is Loneliness. People are being encouraged to build meaningful connections with their friends, family and communities.

Royal Philharmonic Orchestra’s Community and Education team, RPO Resound, have been running a new mental health project in Brent with the support of The Baring Foundation during 2022. The project aims to work with adults and adolescents who are engaging with mental health services, especially those from diverse ethnic backgrounds who may not have engaged with creative wellbeing. support in the past.’

This year's Mental Health Awareness Week the project begins workshops at the secure Kingswood Centre in Brent. RPO musicians will work alongside service users to develop music that they will perform at the end of six weeks of workshops.

At the end of this week, the project has its latest monthly drop in session for adults in the Brent community who are engaged with mental health services. This month musicians and participants will use the theme from mental health awareness week - ‘connections’ - to develop new pieces of music within the workshops.

A third strand to this project will begin 23 May in Wembley Stadium with adolescents who may be at risk of exclusion due to mental health related challenges. They will be working fortnightly to develop a new piece of music to perform in July.

If you are interested to learn any more about these workshops please contact the RPO community and education team at resound@rpo.co.uk

The Baring Foundation

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