How to submit your creations

Kingsbury Green Primary School

This term in Art Enrichment club, some of our Year 1, 2 and 3 children from Kingsbury Green Primary school have taken part in the Wemba’s Dream project. Our theme was ‘A Journey in the natural world.’ The children watched clips on birds and insects in motion and drew abstract lines and patterns to represent their movement. Then the children chose a section of their drawing and painted this onto a calico strip. Finally they created a poly block tile of their moving creature and printed this in a repeat design over the top.

Mrs Windsor-Richards – Art Lead at Kingsbury Green Primary School

Click each image to view them in their full size.







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Students ranging from years 1 to 6 at Kingsbury Green Primary School engaged in an enriching exploration of Sonia Boyce's artwork, delving into the concept of mutual support. Subsequently, we actively engaged with the impactful song 'I'm Gonna Lift My Sister Up', fostering insightful conversations regarding its alignment with our recently established school values of Character and Empathy. Through dedicated instruction, all students acquired the ability to sing the song proficiently while incorporating harmonies, culminating in remarkable performances by Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 students. Moreover, the children seamlessly connected the themes of this empowering song with the song ‘You Called, We Came’ which was learnt in preparation for Windrush Day, which depicted the support offered by individuals from the Caribbean who journeyed to England during the Windrush era.

Mr Williams – Music Lead at Kingsbury Green Primary School

Listen to KS1's "I'm gonna lift my sister up"

Listen to KS2's "I'm gonna lift them up"

Listen to KS2's "You called, we came"

A Walk in Gladstone Park – Musical Response

Listen to Linett narrating her walk through Gladstone Park while Detta, Miguel and Henrietta respond musically on their instruments. How do the instruments add to the story?

A Walk in Gladstone Park – Storytelling Response

You can read Linett’s story of her walk in Gladstone Park here.

Bird Footprints – Musical Response

Listen to the musical interpretation of this bird’s tracks, mapped out on paper.

Salmon Migration – Musical Response

Listen and watch as Miguel transforms the journey of salmon migration into music.

The Tree in Gladstone Park – Musical Response

Listen and watch as Linett narrates the sight of a beautiful tree, and Detta and Miguel turn this image into music.


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